The missing link between chemicals and sustainability – let’s bridge the gap together! Chemicals are everywhere, and now – so it seems to us – is the discussion about chemicals and their effects on society and the environment. While that is a good thing, there are many who see the need for a better conversation and more coordinated action on chemicals. With this in mind, as Chair of The Natural Step International, I am pleased to introduce you to The Natural Step’s new chemicals sub-site and ‘chemicals coalition’. We are a team of Sustainability and Business Advisors representing various offices of The Natural Step and working at the interface between chemicals, materials and product sustainability. You can learn more here. Those familiar with The Natural Step’s work know that chemicals is a topic that we always address with our science-based approach. The Chemicals Coalition is aiming to be contact points for larger initiatives and for anyone interested to understand more specifically how to make the connection between micro and macro perspectives on chemicals and their sustainable life cycle management. We know this will appeal to both actors within the chemical industry itself and downstream users of chemicals. We have a number of ongoing initiatives in this area and more will come. Please reach out to us if you’d like to have a briefing on our work and explore what we could do together.
Sincerely, Outi Ugas. Chair, The Natural Step International (May 8, 2018).


Furthermore, a page was dedicated to a special case about the ongoing transformation of an entire industry.
Back in 2000, a thorough assessment was made of PVC and its impacts across the life cycle. Using The Natural Step sustainability principles, five specific challenges were identified and have since guided the developments of the European PVC industry through the VinylPlus initiative. The intermediary 2020 goals have helped the association and its members to focus actions which helped them to progress to where they are today.

PVC has not been without controversy. Nonetheless, based on our principles and logical thinking we believe there can be a role for PVC in a sustainable future, as long as the system conditions (a.k.a. sustainability principles) are met. In practice, this means considerations such as:

  • PVC should only be used to solutions/ applications that meet these conditions, e.g. not for creation of single use plastic bags, use in durable water pipes and window frames. (Handprint);
  • All socio-ecological impacts of PVC across the life cycle are removed (Footprint) and;
  • The infrastructure PVC depends on for sustainable management is in place (Blueprint).

For more background and details on PVC, the VinylPlus initiative and our role as critical friend, read more.

Recent Chemical events

  • Last week the annual VinylPlus Forum for Sustainable Vinyl (#FSV2018) took place in Madrid. Our colleagues from Sweden were present.
  • Last week we were present at the Green and sustainable chemistry 2018 in Berlin where we joined people from more than 38 countries for discussions and presentations on the topic.